Archive for the ‘Public Information Bureau’ Category

Police Psychology | The Noble Cause of Policing

by Mark Foreman, PsyD

“. . . every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.”
 ­– Robert Kennedy, 25 September 1963 –

As I sit down to write, the 2016 Democratic National Convention is due to kick off in just a few hours. I recall, though only vaguely, the Democratic National Convention of 1968. That DNC was held amidst a year of violent protests. Protests against the Vietnam War and about civil rights. The year 1968, had also spawned the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy.

Historically, the 1968 DNC has been repeatedly used as a focal point of change in American law enforcement. Police conduct during the protests was scrutinized, criticized, and in some cases condemned. (more…)

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Police Psychology | Republicans Show a Bit of Class
by Gary S. Aumiller, Ph.D. ABPP

I was going to avoid making any political comment this voting season, but I saw somethings at the Republican National Convention that was just extraordinary and warmed my heart and mind, so I thought I would comment. I am old and wise enough to know that it might just be rhetoric, but I don’t think so.

First, one of the speakers before Ivanka Trump, was Peter Theil, the Paypal, first outsider in Facebook, billionaire who admitted he was gay and talked about being gay and getting rid of the social distractions of culture to handle the country’s problems. I was actually in tears to see him address a convention of conservatives in the US and being cheered. Say what you want about the candidate behind the convention, but that was a class move. For the first time in American history, a man talked about being gay in a convention of people that traditionally never accepted gay men. I am not gay and I can’t imagine what it is like being gay, but I know it is not easy for these Americans, and I am proud to say some of the nicest people I have met are gay, and yes some are police officers and firefighters.  I volunteered for people that had AIDS early in my career, and I was in the theater early on.  That was a part of history I am glad I saw. (more…)

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Investigating “G.I. Joe” | A Critical Incident

Chief George Filenko      Guest Author

The events of September 1, 2015 were a life changing experience not only for me but for thousands of officers that somehow became a part of the Lt. Joseph Gliniewicz saga.  

On that hot, humid, sunny day radio traffic no officer ever wants hear was broadcast, “Officer Down. Lt. Joseph “GI Joe” Gliniewicz had been found mortally shot.

  Nothing could prepare my team, or me, for the roller coaster ride of emotions we were about to experience for the next two months.  The stress, pressure, both internal and external would take a toll on even the most seasoned veteran.

Recently I was discussing this case with one of my Assistant Commanders.  He made a comment that he felt that I was going to quit the case twice.  I laughed at his observation and responded telling him, at a point “I considered quitting everyday!”

  The national climate was such that another killing of a police officer seemed as if the police were under attack.  The national media immediately occupied the town of Fox Lake. The parking lot of the small town police station was filled with satellite trucks displaying banners of every known media outlet in the country.  Several police officers had been murdered throughout the country within the past two weeks.  The interest in the the slaying of another police officer, especially one with the name “GI Joe,” was too much temptation not to cover.  This incident went viral immediately. (more…)

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Police Psychology | Humor and Culture


I was lecturing on police psychology to a conference crowd in Singapore, and I had included a funny metaphor of the development of the Apollo moon vehicle by NASA to show the rigidity in police organizations. The Police Psychology, horses ass punch line is that NASA, like police organizations, relied on decisions based on the rear ends of horses centuries before. It is a funny and amusing story and gets from a small chuckle to a major minute’s ovation in America when it is finished. In Asia, the audience felt I was insulting the police commissioner who they liked a lot (and I did too). Since it was my opening story, I sort of lost that audience as they would cringe every time I started a new story or joke. I guess you could say it was Zen – “be the horse’s rear end.” I became the rear end of the horse. With over 450 keynote addresses in my life, this was one of two that I hated intensely.

Laughter is the world’s best medicine. Or is it? Unlike vaccines and typical pharmaceutical drugs, humor is not necessarily universal. What we find funny here in the United States may be considered offensive in other countries. Humor can be vastly different from person to person, culture-to-culture, religion-to-religion, and even among sexual orientations. Everyone enjoys some form of humor, however, the humor that is enjoyed and valued may be vastly different depending on the person’s background, exposure and beliefs.

Charles Darwin explored the adaptive ability of humor and concluded that (more…)

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Police Psychology | Dreams: What Do They Mean?

In police psychology we often get asked the question, “what does my dream mean?” A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep…When Cinderella sang this song many years ago, she was just adding to an age-old psychological and philosophical debate. Dream Door, police psychologyAre dreams a window to another world or dimension? Maybe a look into the future? A physiological process in response to something in the environment? A biological necessity? In short: when our heads hit the pillow and we get some shut eye, what on earth are we thinking?

…Perchance to Dream

Dreams can come in many variations. Some dreams are extremely vivid. Others are much hazier. Some dreams wake you up and you can describe them in great details. Others you don’t even remember having. Sometimes, in dreams, you have superpowers and can do incredibly unnatural things. Other times you’re inept, like you’re running in glue, barely able to move or escape. Some people notice recurring dreams or recurring themes in their dreams. I used to have this recurring dream that I was sitting in a college classroom taking a test, but I had never gone to the class. When I looked at the test, I didn’t know anything. I had it probably 50 times through college and grad school. The night after I defended my doctoral dissertation, the recurring dream started, but this time I threw down the paper and walked out of the class. That was the last time I had it. Don’t need to be Freud to figure that one out! Some people can explain certain aspects of their dreams as relating to things they have seen or experienced in the past couple of days. Or recently some of my cops have delved into their own police psychology when they describe dreams of dangerous shoot-no shoot situations where they can’t make up their minds because the perpetrator is a minority. Pretty safe one to interpret given the news of the United States. But all this still begs the question: what is a dream?

Early psychoanalysts explained that dreams are a way to safely live our unconscious fantasies and desires. It is a way for us to experience things that society may deem inappropriate or detrimental. Like dreaming of burning down your school building or office, or dating your celebrity crush. However, when you dream about a killer ballerina chasing after you with a bloody ax, or a girl you’re dating turning into a huge nasty boa constrictor and choking you out (no wonder I stayed single such a long time) …you’d probably need to ask yourself what’s wrong with your unconscious and why you would ever have such strange desires. True, your unconscious may not be playing out your desires literally, but that doesn’t negate the fact that there’s probably more to the story. So, let’s put the idea that dreams help us live out our unconscious fantasies on the back burner and explore some other possibilities.

The Function of Dreams

Dream key, Police stressSome psychologists who explored the function behind dreams, say that dreams help us organize and evaluate our memories and emotions from the past few days, making it easier to solve our current problems. This is called the information-processing theory of dreams: when we dream, our synapses are strengthened, thus strengthening the connections we made and the information we learned during the day. There is some evidence for that. Dreams are also said to be cathartic—like our own personal therapy. Instead of talking, we dream. Others suggest that we dream in order to prepare ourselves in case we ever encounter threatening situations. Dreams, in other words, are test-runs or practice drills for us. When we dream, our amygdala is activated and firing in similar ways as when we are in threatening situations. Our fight-or-flight response tends to kick in too. In other words, when we’re trying to escape from a hammerhead shark (or that damn boa constrictor, those things move fast you know), that’s our brain’s way of saying, “If you can do it in your sleep, you can do it in real life.” So, when you find yourself in the middle of the street in Smurf underwear, your brain is going to be patting itself on the back knowing it prepared you for this very moment.  Don’t quite buy that!

When we sleep, we go through different cycles. REM sleep, which stands for Rapid Eye Movement, is when our dreams occur. During REM sleep, our limbic system is activated. This includes the amygdala (which is involved in our fight-or-flight response) and the hippocampus (which is involved in memory consolidation and storage). The activation-synthesis model of dreaming suggests that when these internal processes are triggered, our brain synthesizes and interprets the information provided and attempts to makes sense of it by creating visuals for us: dreams.

There are many studies that suggest the necessity of dreaming. Studies in which participants were woken right as they were entering REM sleep showed that these individuals experienced higher rates of tension, anxiety, irritation, and irritability. They also ate a lot more food and gained weight more easily. Without dreams, memory consolidation would be a lot harder, and the information that typically travels into our long-term memory during this time would not do so. Although it is still unclear exactly why all these things occur, depriving people of the ability to dream can have severe consequences on their mental and physical health. They can even start having hallucinations. One of the first things I do when someone comes in physically disturbed or in PTSD is try to get them sleeping right. Need to get that full REM time.

So What’s in a Dream?

Some physiologists say we are just eating up old neurotransmitters when we dream. Are you getting the idea we don’t really agree on things. It goes back to my old saying when you have many interpretations of the same phenomenon maybe that is because there is not just one cause. When multiple causes are behind something we often call it an interaction effect. Maybe sometimes our dreams are eating up neurotransmitters, maybe we are living out our unconscious desires in some dreams, maybe we are just entertaining ourselves with other dreams. It is hard to say when you have an interaction effect. So how do you interpret them if there is no one cause? That I leave to the simple steps below.


Police psychology: simple stepsSimple Steps to Interpreting Your Dreams

  1. The first thing I tell my clients, forget the content and concentrate on the feeling. How did you feel when watching the dream? Whatever it was, it was probably reflective of a feeling now. If you felt good it is probably reflective of a lack of concern in life or perhaps the place you want to be in once what is going on in life is over. If you felt anxious, it is probably reflective of an anxiety about something in life. Helpless — the same. Put it your present emotional context and look at the emotion.
  2. Think then about relating it to your life. What is going on in your life that can arise the same emotion? Are you anxious about money and could be dreaming in such a way as that is coming through? Are the unhappy about your children’s work and have made a dream about that?       Are you feeling helpless or trapped in their marriage? Find out what is the same feeling you have in their normal life and put it in perspective.
  3. Finally, look at what the dream is telling you to do. Dreams don’t often reflect any more than the initial feeling, but if you are running from something and turn back toward it to fight, maybe that could be a message to you to find a way to fight the cause of your anxiety in your life. Don’t get overly motivated and go do something rash, but think about the best way to take what the dream is telling you.  If there is a message, consider it as something you have to figure out.
 Gary S. Aumiller, Ph.D.
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