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Police Psychology:  How to Create Focus


Losing focus3

Creating focus is important both for police psychology, and for anyone who wants to increase efficiency and productivity.

In police psychology losing focus can be a life or death situation for a police officer.  Focus is thus extremely important for police psychology and dealing with police stress. Ever since you started school, all those many years ago, you probably heard the words, “pay-attention!” “you need to focus more!” “stop getting distracted!” These statements, along with many others just like them, have probably become internal voices as you grew up. No longer is your teacher snapping at you to pay attention, nor are your parents telling you to do your homework. Now you are responsible for telling yourself to keep working. Everyone experiences moments of intense focus (even if that focus is directed on the TV screen during a sports game, or on the pages of a book when you’re at an exciting part of a novel) and moments where distractions seem to be everywhere. In fact, everyone’s brains are different, and some people will have an easier time focusing than others.

Types of Distracters

Where to find focus is difficult for many people because they keep getting sidetracked by small things. Some people are all set to power-through and complete a major task, but then they keep getting distracted by smaller jobs they need to complete, like answering emails or eating lunch. Other people have a problem weeding out noise, and they get distracted by things as innocent as a phone ringing across the hall, or a dog barking outside, or even the typing of the individual in the next desk. The worst is when you can’t get something done until you get something else done, and then to get that done you have to get something else done, etc. People have a hard time finding focus because they have other, competing things on their minds, like their marriage, the welfare of their kids, a death in the family, or their pet dog. Others have trouble focusing because of interruptions from external sources, like they keep getting phone calls from their spouse or friends.

 Sometimes people just procrastinate their real work, and go to some other task they have to do instead (like taking a lunch break, or updating your social media, or watching YouTube videos. There are many reasons people have trouble focusing, and yet if you give into these distractions, you are preventing movement, allowing yourself to become inactive and unproductive and that will cause you grief later on.

3 Steps for Creating Focus

procrastination2Here are three steps for helping you create focus in order to increase work productivity and efficiency.

  1.  Determine your barriers. The first step to creating focus is figuring out what is preventing you from focusing. Remember, there is not necessarily a unitary cause for things. You may have multiple barriers, or you may have one barrier that changes depending on the task. Also, they will be different for every person. My clients in police psychology will have completely different distractors than stay-at-home parents. In order to create focus, you first need to spend some time considering what things are your personal biggest distractors.
  2.  Reduce the barrier. Once you figure out what distracts you, you need to reduce the distracters, or reduce your exposure to the distracters. There is no one way to reduce the barriers, but some suggestions include: make sure your work environment is distraction free—put your phone away, make sure your desk is clean, go to a quiet room, etc. It also helps to set up a reward system for when you complete a certain amount of work. If you tell yourself that you just need to finish three more pages and then you can take a break, you are less likely to get distracted during your working time. I used to lock myself in my house with 4 days’ worth of food, put the clocks away, block out the windows and shut off the phone when I was writing a book. When I was hungry I ate, when sleepy I slept. Another thing you can do to reduce your barriers is to set up a schedule for yourself. In this schedule include everything that needs to get done, and everything you want to get done, and don’t forget to leave yourself break times as your reward. Cross off each item as you finish it so that you can see your progress. The technique you use to reduce your barriers will really depend on the individual barrier you have. So, for instance, if you get distracted by calls from your family, communicate with your spouse and children that when you are at work, you cannot answer your phone. If you get distracted by music or other noises in the office, consider wearing earplugs or headphones that block out the noise.
  3.  Set a Reward/Punishment System. There is old research in psychology that says people can be rewarded for a lower frequency activity by a higher frequency activity. Now what exactly does that mean? Simple. If there is something you want to do, make it contingent on completing something you don’t necessarily want to do. This is called the Premack Principle named after David Premack who experimented with Capuchin monkeys who found if animals went “ape“ over something, they would do less desirable behaviors to engage in the desired behavior. By the same token, you can punish yourself with a lesser desirable behavior like working on the retaining wall or cleaning the extremely moldy Tupperware when you have been distracted. It is essentially the theory of relativity applied to “monkey business,” so to speak. Enough of the puns, reward yourself with something you really want to do, punish yourself with something you really hate and that will create focus. People often say if I do “XYZ” I can go on a vacation, and those people get focus. Make your activity a means to an end that you desire.

If you follow these steps, you will be on your way to finding focus in both your life and your work. If you have any other tips, or would like to share your own story, please comment below!


Gary S. Aumiller, Ph.D. ABPP

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Get Your Butt Moving


Police psychology: inertia

Much like with trains, inertia is required in order to increase efficiency in your life, particularly with police psychology.

You don’t normally think of Isaac Newton or Galileo Galilei when you think about police psychology, but that is a mistake. These two weird-looking men while daydreaming under that apple tree or looking up at the stars came up with a theory that explains much of police psychology and much of life.

Inertia is the idea that objects will resist any change in their motion. In other words, an object at motion will stay in motion, going in that same direction at the same speed unless a force is applied. Further, an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by a great enough force.

People have a tendency to think of trains when contemplating inertia. I don’t know why, but let’s go with it. Picture a large train, chugging down the tracks, hooting cheerfully when it gets to the platform stations (you don’t need to be picturing a cheerful train like Thomas—any hunk of metal with wheels will do). Trains, like any moving object, operate due to the laws of inertia and it takes a lot of friction to slow them down and stop them. There is a lot of power as it moves faster and faster and you won’t want to get in the way. That power is inertia, and we can all understand that. We didn’t need two bearded old guys named Newtie and Gally to tell us that.

 Inertia Can be the Enemy Also

But when the train is at rest, it gains inertia also. The longer it is at rest, the harder it is to get moving. Yes, read this carefully because it will explain a lot. A train sitting for two days is harder to get moving than a train sitting one day. Trains sitting for months will be much harder to get moving. This is not so obvious, and why Newton and Galileo have been around for five or six centuries. Trains can begin to rust. Rust can settle in the mechanism, corrupting the engine, corroding the wheels, and consuming the body of the train, until it is left as an empty shell of its former self. Or perhaps the metal become less likely to go into motions for other reasons. Whatever the reason, negative inertia builds up and makes the train want to sit. It also can create a friction that totally stops a train even once it does start to try to get into motion again.

 Psychological Inertia: Be the Train

People live life according to these same principles. For example, when people are moving, when they are motivated, very little can stop them. They are productive. They are driven. They have a plan and a goal. Picture any moment in your own life when you felt this way. Chances are you felt really good about yourself, knowing how productive and accomplished you’ve been that day. This is the concept of inertia. You are in motion. You are moving in a certain direction, at a certain pace, you will tend to keep up that momentum.

But there is the danger of non-movement, and it is a very real danger for people too. When you are not moving, when you are sitting on the couch with a butt print already engraved on the cushions, with a bowl of chips in your lap, guzzling down beer…you’ve reached a point where you are beginning to rust. Or, perhaps you are worrying about some drama around the office instead of being productive. You’re building negative inertia. This inactivity, this lack of drive, this motionlessness is corroding your body and your mind, until you will be left with a hollow person, a mere shadow of your former self. This can be extremely dangerous, and it is hard to fix once you have gotten there. The lesson we can learn from inertia is to make sure we are moving

Change builds inertia. Movement builds inertia. Productivity builds inertia. It feeds itself and keep you moving. The trick is to start small, to do something—anything—that gets you to move forward in life. Once you start, inertia will take over and propel you in that goal-oriented direction.

procrastination2Three SIMPLE STEPS to Get Movement

Here are three steps for helping you get movement started:

 Start Motion in any Form. When I handle a client, whether it be a couple looking at numerous problems in their relationship, or a business person looking at some insurmountable task, sometimes I ask them just to create motion on the first day, even if it isn’t moving toward the goal. “I need you to be in the same room, even if you don’t talk for an hour a day. Just don’t sleep and don’t argue.” “I need you to get your desk cleaned off to prepare for the fight ahead.” Don’t approach the problem, just start movement. Get started. Overcome entropy. Remember a train in motion will have a much easier time with movement than a train sitting still.

 Stop Friction. Friction can stop movement before it starts going. If problems creep up while changing your relationship, deal with them later once motion is started. If issues at work are causing drama, let people know keeping motion is most important. Be careful of not starting someone emotionally pinballing when you are doing this.       Tell them you will simply put it first on a list to deal with once motion is started.  If at all possible you must keep motion going once you’ve started. There are tons of inertia breakers that are just not that important. You may slow the train at some point, but never stop motion.

 Build in Inertia Stimulators to Keep Movement. If you are not excited about the goal you have set, it will be very hard to stick with it. In order to create excitement, it helps to talk to others about it, read about it, create a routine to remind yourself daily of what success will look like for your specific goal. It can be a healthier, hotter body, or a better GPA in school, or positive attention from your boss leading to a potential raise or promotion. The more excitement you can engender into the task, the easier it will be to start doing it.

Use these tips to help you start the movement because once you started, the momentum will take over and completing future tasks will be even easier.

If you have any other tips, or if you want to share your own story, comment below! I would love to hear from you.

Gary S. Aumiller, Ph.D. ABPP

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